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Rudeness or just plain ignorant?

Rude clients are the roughest thing about being a personal trainer. I don't know if it's because they're paying for a service, or the way they were brought up, but I all too often deal with, younger women particularly, who just won't say please or thank you. The days of politeness and courtesy seem to be diminishing more and more. They may be paying good money for my services, but it won't cost them anything more to express a little thanks.

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Courtesy and Insecurity
by: Anonymous

I think this is a great notice of your clients. What I would further challenge you to do is to look at what may be driving that behavior. What "front" are these younger women dealing with? Let's face it, everyone has their insecurities. But younger women, especially those who read "beauty" mags, are probably caught up in their insecurities without even knowing it. They may not be saying "Thank You" because they don't know how to appreciate themselves, let alone someone else. It may not have anything to do with you, but everything to do with them. These are the clients who require the most patience and will push you to be the great personal trainer you are meant to be.

Why Clients are Rude
by: Anonymous

I had a personal trainer for a year. He helped me lose weight, and I appreciated that. I constantly thanked him and praised his ability as a trainer. One day I made an offensive rude remark by mistake. Later that same day I apologized.

The trainer knew I was having difficulties with my job and an illness in the family. He would not forgive me. After a year of this great relationship, I was devastated. Also, I had paid him a lot of money. His behavior was disappointing to me. I made a mistake and I apologized. He should have been more forgiving.

Now I have no personal trainer and I have lost a friend. I know that clients are difficult. I have my own difficult clients. But trainers should realize that forgiveness is part of their job.

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