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by Brenda
(Denver, CO)

If you hate sales jobs, then don't become a personal trainer! It's all about selling yourself! If you're a very quiet person and find it hard to approach doesn't matter how knowledgeable or talented you are in the fitness field....then being a personal trainer probably isn't for you. Just my opinion.

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Too Shy
by: Anonymous

You don't mention whether or not you're still in the field, but for what it's worth, here's a suggestion. Have some T-shirts customized with your name and occupation on them. That way you'll be a walking self-advertisement and you won't have to approach anyone, they'll approach you!

How much do you want it?
by: Trivad PT UK

If you really want to be a successful personal trainer, you will accept and do whatever it takes to pick up new clients.. including selling.
Its a part of most businesses anyway. So why run away from it because you are in the fitness industry?

I hate selling, but once I leave that gym floor having spoked to x amount of people on any given day, I feel peaceful becasue I know I have done what I could to get clients.
If you are afraid of rejection, but you want to be a personal trainer, conquer your fear!!!

says who
by: Anonymous

It's true that you can't be overly shy as a personal trainer. However, it's all a matter of passion. Look at a shy guy who is new to the industry. If he's motivated enough to excell as a personal trainer, chances are they'll do what it takes and make a name for himself. And if he doesn't, then he probably isn't passionate enough about the job.

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