Second Time getting AFAA Certified
I have been in the business for more than 20 years. I have attained several certifications including AFAA. I let my certs expire because I felt that part of my career had ended. It hadn't and I wanted to update my credentials.
The last time I took the AFAA Personal Trainer exam, I found it easy compared to ACE, another of my certifications. However, the curriculum has changed and it was very comprehensive. Yes, I could cheat on my recertification if I chose to, but then I wouldn't have accomplished my goal. The AFAA exam was hard, very hard.
If a student has not had past experience, I do not think reading any book and taking any test is enough preparation. Not even a 3 day practical course will make much difference.
I would recommend getting the basic credentials and then working with an organization that will do 'on the job' training with supervision. With or without a degree in the field, or any certification, hands on experience will separate good trainers from others.
Don't under estimate the AFAA course.
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