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Self help...image?

by Elisa
(Portorchard,wa usa)

I have an interview coming up. I am certified and I know my stuff alright and i work out but my schedule is crazy with my son and work and husbands work sched.

So the weight is fluctuating and i definitely dont look like a personal trainer i have a little extra im really working hard. I recently have found my self a little discouraged all i want is to be a great role model and successful personal training mommy and wife. Will i ever get a job at a gym? Especially if i feel or look not like one?

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Same as you
by: KG Personal Trainer

I am in the exact same position. I currently run group personal training sessions with mums that I already know but am wondering if those that do not know me will accept me as a personal trainer even though I do not look like those you see in the gym etc as I am still on my journey of losing the extra weight I have. However I also still have my everyday job in an office as well which makes it hard so I know where you are coming from.

Helping Others Helps You
by: LB

I struggled with the fear of being overweight and pursuing my passion for helping others face their fitness obstacles. However, I have realized that fear will rob us of our futures if we let it hold us back. If you wait until you're in perfect shape, you'll never get there. I have a few words of advice from my own experiences.

1. When you are helping others, you will help yourself stay motivated towards your own fitness goals. I am at my best with my workouts, nutrition and focus when I am accountable to other people looking for fitness help. I lost 45 lbs while helping other moms get in shape after having their babies. They were all skinnier than me, but I gave a kick-butt workout and they kept coming back.

2. Set a challenge for yourself to do outside of the training. I am training for a half-marathon, not because I am in perfect shape, I'm still 50 lbs over-weight. It helps give me the confidence to stand in front of the clients and say, I may not look perfect, but I am working on my fitness in my own way.

3. Realize that not everybody needs or wants the ab-so-perfect rock hard body trainer. You have knowledge, personality, and experiences that will make you the perfect trainer for certain clients. A former employer told me that 15 years ago and I didn't listen - it robbed me of 15 years of following my passion. Your struggles make you a person that real people can relate to. There's something to be said for that. Let yourself shine in the interview.

Hold your head high, Believe in your knowledge, skills and strengths and Follow your Passion!!!

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