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Startup Equipment

by A. M.

When just starting out on my own, I had a very hard time finding even the most basic equipment for exercise testing, etc. because I work independently and not for a gym. There should be at minimum a forum on this site that gives feedback and/or suggestions on where to purchase equipment online (usually the best value), what equipment is really necessary, what products don't work as advertised, etc.

(EXAMPLE: Ever tried to buy a dynamometer, or even find a review of one from a personal trainer's perspective?? Or how about a regular-size 12" step for cardiorespiratory assessmnets?? Impossible!!)

There is definitely a need for this information, and this site is perfect for it because this is where I found all the other information I needed to successfully start my business. You would think there would be one convenient place to buy everything the new fitness business owner needs, but there just isn't. I was totally lost. Thanks, Katie!

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This web site is amazing
by: Lore

This is an excellent place to start, getting ideas, tips, specially for us new PT.
Thank you everybody for aharing your knowledge.


startup equipment
by: Martin

Power systems-1(800)321-6975
Gopher performance-1(800)533-0446

Both offer a large variety of fitness assessment,training equipment,books & even software specifically for the personal trainer & seem to be reasonable in price for hard to find items.They will send you a pretty extensive catalog if you give them a call.

cheap gym equipment
by: PFisher

I've gotten a lot of olympic weights and bars off of Craig's List from old gym rats retiring the cut-off shirts and elastic shorts. I would recommend picking up the weight with at least one more person with all the things that are happening with Craig's List sellers (sketchy activities).

One thing I've learned is that if you're in it for the long haul, then get good BARBELLS. I've actually bent a few of the cheaper bars with me and my clients using them on a regular basis. I got mine at for $300, listed at $500. A lot of it is searching. and searching. and searching. If you're looking for the cheapest stuff online 90% of the time, then is your best bet.

If you're in the market for a power rack, I bought the cheapest one at Sam's Club Online and it's done me very well, even with heavy squatting.

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