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Status change from employee to independent contractor

by Dawn Van Dort
(Roseville, Ca.)

This is the second facility to do this to me and cause me to lose my entire client base.
My name is Dawn Van Dort. I've been an instructor and trainer for 17 yrs. Recently , my employer had changed my status as an employee to independent. I let them know it was unfair and illegal because my job had not changed at all. They offered a slight raise of 3 dollars an hour to make up for cost of insurance. I have since trained and maintained a great client base for P.T. ontop of classes, so I stayed.

Now they want to change my contract again and collect all money and pay me a %. I have no control over anything and am repremended by my supervisor if she doesn't like something I said or did. I love my clients and don't want to leave them or have to charge more to compensate. My classes are scheduled by them at specific times and I cannot sub them to anyone else. They collect all money and pay me monthly. They also decided when and if I can have a class. If enough people do not sign up each month it will be cancelled.

I have no job security and I pay half my income in taxes. It seems my only option is to leave. I'm currently trying to negotiate. Do I have a leg to stand on? I'm so fed up with having to leave jobs I work hard and dilligently at just to be taken advantage of. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!!!
Dawn VanDort

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Switched from Employee to an Independent Contractor

by Bonnie

Hello, I work at a gym where all employee's were swithched to independent contractors. That is front desk, instructors, trainers, play area staff. Is this legal? Should trainers and instructors have insurance on their own? What do we do about tax's, last year I filed and it said I was supposed to have a business name? I do many jobs here so I was hoping someone could give me some good advice, hope you can help?

Thank You,

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