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Testosterone junkies

by Brandon
(Lafayette, La.)

Dealing with these over hormonal individuals really puts a damper on my day. For one thing they are constantly asking you questions, but only waiting for a response so they can contradict you with some misinterpreted "fact" out of what ever meat head magazine they frequent. They rarely follow direction and are constantly wanting you to stroke their ego on either their form, "impressive" amount of weight or their "Adonis" like body.

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So true
by: Katie - Admin

This is so true Brandon. I prefer "less sophisticated" clients who are interested in learning and improving. I personally stay away from the hard core weightlifting set, there are other personal trainers that specialize in bodybuilding. I am more about helping the average gym client improve their performance.

by: Anonymous

I know right! I mean why would they come to a trainer if they just wanted their ego stroked??

They contradict you because they know you are badder by this
by: Anonymous

It's all about your personality and Knowledge. If they know you know your stuff and you are not badder by their contradictions they will respect you. Once you get their respect, be friend of them. If you are a good CPT, you are the boss on the floor because you study for this and you know it. If you are not knowledgeable about Fitness you will need to go back to school.


by: Anonymous

LC, what are you talking about??

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