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Took ACTION exam and passed

by Alexander
(Bay Area, CA, USA)

First off, let me say clearly that this test is no joke. I certified with two other certifications, ACE and NCSF, and the ACTION exam was in my opinion the most "practical" test out of any them, and frankly a better test.

The exam covers the practical aspects of personal training, things such as functional anatomy, nutrition, and exercise that you NEED to know to design proper programs for your clients. While your client will certainly never ask you if they are performing horizontal scapular abduction, you do need to know that performing rows will strengthen weak rhomboids, or that heart rate needs to be monitored if they are a senior, or that isometric exercise wont increase maximal strength but will improve endurance (having them do endless planks wont = six pack).

This is a legitimate test, and is certainly equal in quality to any of the national level certifications.

The Exam book is also an excellent book on its own, and I am currently using it right now to study for the NSCA exam.

Considering its only $65 dollars, and the website is such a great resource as well in offering liability insurance, I would recommend getting the certification for anyone that is planning on working as an independent contractor or working for a private gym.

A corporate gym is unlikely to accept the certification, and dont count on it boosting your pay if you do apply at a corporate gym.

I do however have no doubt that the organization will become NCAA accredited, so earning it now would still be a solid long term decision, especially if the price goes up in the future. When they do become NCAA accredited, it will be a very cost effective way for any trainer working at a corporate gym to add a certification to their paygrade and credentials

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by: Anonymous

I really liked this program.

I had originally planned on making NCSF my first certification, but I was really struggling with the kinesiology and biomechanics of the text. I decided to start with something more basic and was going to put money into the ACE materials. I found ACTION in May (thanks to this website), downloaded the text, paid $65 so that I could benefit from the online classes, and passed with a 91%. I studied a lot, and the test really does put a variety of topics into each question, giving the certification a more holistic approach to training.

I absolutely think that ACTION is a respectable certification, but I will absolutely get my NCSF certification in addition to ACT. I already took a sample practice test from my NCSF materials and did far better than I would have done without having studied ACTION.

You can easily complete one chapter in a day or two- I took a while because I put it off. I suggest using the $65 option so that you can utilize the online classes, ask instructors questions, and make this a starting point for education. I also plan on buying my insurance through the ProPlan that they advertise once I look into it a bit more.

I hope they continue to add to the program and hopefully one day they will become accredited through NCCA! Good luck!

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