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What Certifications are valid in Australia?

by Sanjay S Singh
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)

Hi I am an Indian,33 yrs, have a vast experience as a personal fitness trainer and have worked as a fitness manager for 8 yrs. I am immigrating to Australia in a few months, so was keen on doing an International fitness trainer certification, which is valid and recognised in the Health clubs across Australia.

Can you tell me which certification is valid among ACE, ACSM, ISSA. I am more inclined to do ISSA. shall i go ahead with it.

Please Guide.

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world wide certification
by: Joe Bartovic

Great question! Part of the problem here in the U.S. is the confusion on which programs are the best. Internationally you should look into the NASM program for the UK or other UK "REPS" certifications.
Best Health,
Joe Bartovic A.Sc.
Fit 4 U / 2XL Personal Training
Middletown, CT

Australia has its own regulations
by: Katie - Admin

Australia regulates the personal training industry so the American certs, while still valid, may not enable you to practice personal training. That is the extent of my knowledge so I will leave it to an Aussie to fill in the gaps.

- Katie

Aussie Certs
by: julie

Hi, I am from Australia, all certifications to work as a personal trainer must be government accredited. You can only do those based in Aus to work in Aus. Some have online study. Good luck

Word Wide
by: Anonymous

If Julies comment is true why do some Australian sites claim world wide recognition?

by: Anonymous

The Australian standard (cert 3 & 4) is recognised throughout the UK, Europe and Asia however there is no link with the US.

To work as a PT in Australia you must be registered with the government and show evidence of continued education (every two years)to keep it. You must hold a current 1st aid qualification.

typical of aussies
by: Anonymous

Hi I have been in Australia for many years and this unfortunately may be true its so typical of the countries insecurities in almost every matter. They have regulations for almost everything. Other qualifications you have in other industries may also not be recognised here its there way of taking you all to the cleaners and having you pay for creditation here. They are deluded and think that only there training has any viabilty. Ill give you an example I studies electronics for many years at university in Cambridge and achieved diploma/HNC levels these credentials would give me recognition wordldwide but guess what. Not in Australia!

Australia to USA
by: Anonymous

I am thinking of moving to Hawaii later in the year. I have my Cert 3 and 4 and work as a personal trainer in Australia. What do i have to do to work in Hawaii as a Personal Trainer and are my qualifications enough to work?


Aussie Cert BS
by: Anonymous

Hi I am an Aussie and people are absolutly right about their over certication. I did my cert 3 and 4. I was told if I wished to teach boxing skills as part of my PT training I needed another Certicate. So I enquire about the course and applied for prior learning which they knocked back. Again I tried could I do their course but the level two. Again I was knocked back, I would have to start at level one. My previous experience was I owned a gym for seven years . I had run boxing classes for women for years. And last but not least I had been registered as a boxing trainer in NSW, Ireland ,California and New York. I had trained two guys that were rated in the top three in the world by all boxing Organizations. They are morons.Who believe aussies are punching above there weight.

which certificates in europe ?
by: soroush

hi everyone..
im really confused with the PT certifications,I am living in finland and because of the language here im not able to join the local courses here coz all are held in finnish language. i have been looking for online PT courses,but really confued which one is the best and valid in finland or europe? any ideaas ?
i have found many,,IFBB,ISSA,ACSM,.... but which one ?
i love to do IFBB but is it really valid everywhere ?

really! What about the client!
by: Anonymous

I would much rather be a client of someone who keep their skill up to date with compulsory CECs and have a certificate that is current and specific to a certain area of training i.e. strength and conditioning, wight lifting etc. Good on Australia for keeping their trainers on their toes!

Australia is ridiculous
by: Anonymous

I am australian, have been researching my best options for a career change within the fitness industry. The government and the industry itself are taking the absolute piss. On average you are looking at approx $6500.00 australian dollars to complete cert 3 & 4, these are just certificate courses!!!!!! Not diplomas or any higher education. I looked into going back to University which i could do a diploma in exercise and sports science for the same money but, thanks to the ridiculous way things are set up in this country, the higher education and DIPLOMA not CERTIFICATE course will not give you credentials to be a personal trainer in this stupid country.

WHY this difference!!
by: FitforLife

Well !!! after reading all your comments I am pretty shocked to know that the skill, knowledge and experience doesnt matter in australia in fitness if its from another country. I dont get the point of being just certified from australia can get you a standing job in fitnes industry.WHY this difference!!

PT in Hawaii (US)
by: Anonymous

Personal Training in the United States is most highly recognized when certified by ACSM. Other highly recognized organizations are NASM, NCSA or ACE.

by: Anonymous

you can get some credit for whatever course you have taken in the USA. You have to RPL it . recognition of prior learning and the Australian system will all you to use your USA credit toward their certificates. sometimes RPL is a long process for the person doing the course. so, sometimes its better and more cost effective to just re take the course all together.

I am from usa. live in au now. trying to re-do a personal trainer course. I have an ACE certification and now I have paid my $2990 to be a personal trainer here which means a cert III and cert 4 in PT.
I will get some credit for the CERT III party from what I did with ACE.

Replying to the above comment
by: Olgagall

You have just mentioned above that you managed to get some of your ACE CPT course modules counted towards your RPL. Do you mind sharing how it can be done?
Did anyone with any of UK certifications try using them as RPL? Any luck?

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