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What Courses have the best Visual Learning Materials.

by jeff

I have read multiple learning materials especially baking books and have acknowledge some of the strength and weaknesses in explaining the ideas, the thoughts , sciences and math formulas etc . There are some books written by great authors and illustration made by the mind and souls of an artist . Some were poorly executed, pictures too small , lack of pointers and drawings were too vague. I been wondering among ACE , Action , NASM , which one of these provides good learning materials and at least being functional to guide the students to pass the test. Some of the materials provided may be lack in the illustration or poor in the visual communication to support the text described in the text book. Apart from just illustration, any supporting videos with animation are able to generate a better understanding of the anatomy of human body, nutrition absorption etc. A lot of times, students failed to grasp the meaning behind the text by the author and could cause a misleading understanding in the topic. If you were to choose between ACE, NASM and ACtion syllabus, which one will you rank as top learning material?

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