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What study books are best?

by Ashley

I bought 4 books for studying for this test, and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I have the "ACSM Resources for the Personal Trainer", "ACSM's Certification Review", "ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" and a basic exercise physiology text book. Anyone have any suggestions on what books I should focus on and/or what areas? There's a lot of information combined in these books, and I've been studying for awhile but I feel like I'm getting no where.

Or does anyone know if ACSM has any study guide help? I saw other certifications do, but none for this.


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by: Meghan

I have read the ACSM Resources book and it is VERY confusing... I took a intensive class at DePaul University that used this book and I found that the NASM book which I also read said the same things in SIMPLE understandable language

ACSM test books
by: Anonymous

I have to say that the biggest help to me was the Certification Review book and the tests at the end of each chapter. Also, the three day seminar is awesome - I couldn't have passed the test without it. They give you an overview book that is phenominal.

Practice exam
by: Anonymous

I'm thinking about taking the ACSM-CPT exam. I have a study guide or practice exam book. Is it a little similar to the real exam?

Study materials
by: Anonymous

The Certification review book is good, but just to warn you, even if you pass the quizzes at the end of each chapter, don't get too confident. There were only a few questions that were similar to the quiz questions in the book. Although, the information in the Certification review book is good and easier to understand. Make sure to study the main book as well, especially the fitness exercise testing and programming sections.

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