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YMCA Certification?

by Alex

Hey guys, Did anybody here take the YMCA Personal training course and get your certificaiton? If you did, what did you think of the whole course and is your certification recognized? Thanks!


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YMCA certified
by: Matt O'Brien

Yes, I teach fitness at the YMCA. Theirs was the first certification program I went through. As I understand it, the YMCA organizes their own, in-house certification programs based on ACE's material. Being in-house, the Y can certify you to do anything you need to do at the Y, but that certification does not translate to other jobs.

The Y is a great place to get started. Where else can you get paid to attend training and to get certified? But if you're looking to expand beyond their doors, you'll really want an ACSM, ACE, ISSA or some other certification under your belt.

YMCA Personal Training Certification
by: KamiliTraining Solutions

I received my first PT certification through the YMCA and I also had the opportunity to get valuable experience teaching and providing personal training services. Although I have opened my own wellness training business, I keep my YMCA certifications updated (Group Exercise, Weight Management, and Personal Training).

Not only is it a good starting point and ecomonical but you can get the practical experience needed to obtain one of the more intensive programs such as ISSA - Fitness Trainer or AFAA Group Exercise).

Good Luck


YMCA Cert.
by: Pam

YMCA was one of the first certs. I ever got nine years ago. At the time, it was very educational with actual senareios of personalized training, practical in gym training, spotting techniques,etc... Not anymore. I have had trainings and workshops with AFAA and Fitour as well and thought the Y was the best until about a year ago. Both my Y and AFAA group instructor had expired and I retook the Y. It was awful, Mostly group disscussion of test questions, maybe five exercise examples(in the classroom), no practical, no diss. of music 32 ct. no diss. of how to put together or build combos, HORRIBLE! That is why classes are so bad now. My current personal training is with Fitour, which I just renewed ONLINE! The only thing that will make you sucsessful will be,"are you better than everypne else and do you love what you do". From what I see, the entire industry is slack so you are on your own to make yourself great

YMCA Certification
by: Suzanne Andrews

I received my personal training, group fitness, and water aerbobics through the YMCA fifteen years ago. Just to see how good the classes were, I took an ACE practical training as well.

At that time, the YMCA was comparable to ACE. However if I were to get certified today, I would go with ACE. I ended up going back to school and got a degree in rehab therapy so the certifications were good starting points.

Suzanne Andrews
Host of Functional Fitness on Public Television.

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